- J. Cole i n t e r l u d e 歌詞
- J. Cole
- Im a livin little good thing
我活脫一介自在美好的小生靈 Its like you never lived for me 為自己而活因為好像未曾有人為我而活 Mama said you was a good thing, uh 媽媽曾說你也是心地善良的傢伙 Good, good, good Yeah We came a long way, man, we done came a long way “回望過去我們一路走來” And we sittin on top of this shit “如今悠然坐在這行業的頂峰” This shit can go one or two ways “幹這行會有兩條走向” This shit can go up, it can go down “要么蒸蒸日上要么一落千丈” Either way, nigga, Im prepared “不論怎樣我已做好萬全準備” Feel me? Yeah “懂?”
抱以沉著平和的心態返場但別觸怒我 I be comin in peace, but **** me 最好留意 Best beware of the others 那些旁人 This shit deep, undercovers creep 南部的高溫招致了一場炙熱難忍的盛夏 This Southern heat make unbearable summers 就在上週眼看著你的母親落淚 Just last week, seen your mama weep 淚流不止因為她不願葬下你冤死的兄弟 Crying cause she dont wan bury your brother 當急救車帶走她血如泉湧的孩子時 The blood leaks while the EMTs 急救人員像代孕母親那樣擔走她心愛的孩子 Gotta carry her baby like surrogate mothers 感激上帝我們能在恐怖分子的槍口下倖存 Woah, thank God we survived around where the terrorists hovered 儘管滿身傷疤但哪怕煎熬也並非毫無收穫 Though traumatized, wouldnt trade it for nothin 歷經磨難我自那時奮發謀生 Through hard times, it was there I discovered a hustle 在泥沼險境中創造佳作 And makin the best out the struggle 一直賣力拼搏升至如今的高度 I kept grindin til this day, up a level 我自重自愛謹言慎行 Respect mine, gotta stay out of trouble 因為每次扣響AR都會引來TEC-9的回擊 Cause TEC-9s like the AR rebuttals 步入我的世界這般造詣無人不知 Cole World, niggas knowin what it is 以防有人並不了解這次我再向世人展示 Just in case they dont, I show em what it is 接下來的夏季我將攬獲絕佳數據 Then in summer, I do real numbers 他們用雙碟銷量堆成績那我可不敢比 Couldnt dare touch it if they sold the double disc 熱浪席捲街區灼人槍火在四處綻放 Block hot, niggas burnin up the street 街頭巷尾每天都有槍響 Shots poppin and we heard it up the street 好似戰爭有人喪命有人“得分” Its a war, niggas runnin up the score 耶穌曾說被打了一邊臉就要堅毅地亮出另一邊 Jesus said that you should turn the other cheek 每週都有無力發聲的底層同胞罹難街頭 Voiceless niggas gettin murdered every week 屍橫遍地腐臭和腥味彌散在街道 Dead bodies, smell the odor in the street 兄弟終於迎來假釋 My homie homie got out on parole 那時他販售的狠貨比可口可樂還暢銷 He sold more Coca-Cola than the soda industry 炎炎盛夏卻感到寒意刺骨 Summertime bring the coldest winter breeze 冰藍冬日藍得好似瘸幫六十年代的扮相 Hella blues like the Rollin 60s 耶穌基督享年三十三 Christ went to Heaven aged thirty-three 而傳奇的PimpC和Nipsey亦是如此 And so did Pimp C and so did Nipsey “早就說了我早就說過”
“這條道有人起有人落但我毫不在乎” I told you, I told you “我見慣了高處的景緻” This shit can go up, it can go down, I dont give a **** “不止一次” Nigga, I done seen the highest heights “我也見過最深的谷底” I done seen it twice “依然崛起” And Ive seen them lowest of the lows “現在我已經扼住你的咽喉” And still I rose Now Im at your neck, nigga, yeah