- Eminem Bad Guy 歌詞
- Eminem
- It's like I'm in this dirt,
又置身於記憶的泥潭里 digging up old hurt 挖出舊的傷疤 Tried everything to get my mind off you, 千方百計不去想起你 it won't work 卻都是徒勞 All it takes is one song on the radio you're right back on it 只要電台上一播放你的歌曲,過去的一切 Reminding me all over again how you f***ing just brushed me off 就被你的聲音喚醒,你是如何對我不理不睬 And left me so burnt, 讓我備受煎熬 spent a lot of time trying to soul search 我花大把時間反省,捫心自問 Maybe I needed to grow up a little first 或許我要先長大一點 Well, 但是 looks like I hit a growth spurt 看起來我已經長得夠快了 But I am coming for closure 我是來給故事畫上句號的 Don't suppose an explanation I'm owed for 我能跟你要一個解釋嗎? The way that you turned your back on me 在我最需要你的時候 Just when I may have needed you most 為什麼你對我拒之不理 Oh, you thought it was over 你以為都結束了? You can just close the chapter 你以為你可以翻過這一頁 And go about your life, 若無其事地 like it was nothing 繼續生活? You ruined mine, 你毀了我的生活 but you seem to be doing fine 卻還過得逍遙自在 I'd never recovered but tonight I betcha that whatcha 我的傷口從未癒合,但我敢說 'bout to go through's tougher than anything I ever have suffered 今晚你將要經歷的事會比我遭受的一切更加難熬 Can't think of a better way to define poetic justice 想不出該怎麼更好地定義罪有應得 Can I hold grudges, 我要心懷仇恨嗎? mind is saying: 'let it go, 大腦說'放手吧 f*** this' 忘了這一切' Heart is saying: 'I will once I bury this ***** alive 心說'我會放手的,只要能活埋了這個賤人 Hide the shovel and then drive off in the sunset' 然後我會藏起鏟子,在落日下揚長而去' I flee the scene like it was my last ride 我逃離現場,彷彿在行駛最後一程 You see right through, 你恰能看透一切 oh, you had me pegged the first time 第一次便看穿我是什麼樣的人 You can't see the truth but it's easier to justify what's bad is good 真相撲朔迷離,但辯解惡是善、非為是卻要容易得多 And I hate to be the bad guy, 我討厭扮演一個壞人 I just hate to be the bad guy 我痛恨成為一個壞人 And to think I used to think you was the shit,***** 想起我之前覺得你是最厲害的,你個賤人 To think it was you at one time I worshipped,shit 想起我曾經一度無比崇拜你,MD Think you can hurt people and just keep getting away with it? 你以為你傷害了別人還能一直全身而退嗎? Not this time, 至少這次不可能 you better go and get sewing kit,b***h 賤人,快拿起針線包 Finish this stitch so you can reap what you sow, 縫完這一針,然後自食其果 nitwit 蠢貨 Thought some time had past and I forget it, 以為時間能抹平我的傷痛嗎? forget it! 別做夢了! You left our family in shambles 你把我的家庭攪得一團糟 You expect me to just get over him? Pretend he never existed 你希望讓我忘了Stan,假裝他從未存在過? Maybe gone, 他不在了 but he's not forgotten 但我會永遠記得他 And don't think cause he's been out the pictures so long 不要以為他離開了這麼長時間 That I've stopped the plottin' and still ain't coming to get ya 我就會停止密謀,不來找你復仇 You're wrong and that s* *t was rotten 你錯了,那想法簡直是天方夜譚 And the way you played him, 你戲耍他的伎倆 same s**t you did to me, 又對我故技重施 go! 真無情啊 Have you any idea that shit I've gone through? 你知道我經歷了怎樣的痛苦嗎? Feelings I harbor, 知道我的感受嗎? all this pent up resentment I hold on to 知道我有多少壓抑著的憤恨嗎? Not once you called to ask me how I'm doing 從沒打過一次打電話問我怎麼樣 Letters, 寫給你的信 you don't respond to 'em 你也不回 F*** it, 去TMD I'm coming to see you 我直接來找你好了 And gee who better to talk to than you? 難道還有人比你更合適與我談心嗎? The cause of my problems 你可是我所有問題的根源 My life is garbage and I'm 'bout to take it out on you 我的生活一團亂麻,現在我要發洩在你身上 Poof, 噗的一聲 then I'm gone 然後我就消失不見了 I flee the scene like it was my last ride 我逃離現場,彷彿在行駛最後一程 You see right through, 你恰能看透一切 oh, you had me pegged the first time 第一次便看穿我是什麼樣的人 You can't see the truth but it's easier to justify what's bad is good 真相撲朔迷離,但辯解惡是善、非為是卻要容易得多 And I hate to be the bad guy , 我討厭扮演一個壞人 I just hate to be the bad guy 我痛恨成為一個壞人 I've been driving around your side of this town 我一直在繞著你住的城區這邊開車 Like 9 frickin' hours and 45 minutes now 好像有九小時四十五分鐘了 Finally I found your new address, 終於找到了你的新地址 park in your drive 把車停進你的私人車道 Feel like I been waiting on this moment all of my life 好像我一輩子都在等待這個時刻 And it's now arrived, 現在時機終於成熟 and my mouth is full of saliva 我興奮地滿嘴唾沫 My knife is out and I'm ducking on the side of your house 拔出刀,在你房子周圍低頭潛行 See, 你看 it's sad it came to this point 事情發展到這個地步太讓人難過了 Such a disappointment I had to make this appointment to come and see ya 真失望,我不得不赴約來見你 But ain't here for ya empathy, 但我來可不是為了博得你的同情 I don't need your apology 我不需要你的道歉 Or your friendship of sympathy, 友情或者安慰 it's revenge that I seek 我要的只有復仇 So I sneak vengefully and treat your bedroom window 我複仇心切地潛行著,撬開你的窗戶 Like I reach my full potential, 用盡全身所能 I peaked 去窺視 Continue to peep, still bent low 依然彎低著腰繼續窺視 Keep tapping the glass lightly then start to crescendo 然後輕輕地拍窗戶,聲音逐漸變大 Sneak all the way 'round to the back porch 一路潛行到後門廊 Man, 伙計 door handles unlocked, shouldn't be that easy to do this 門都沒鎖,這麼容易就得手了嗎? You don't plan for intruders before hand? 你都不怕有人事先闖進來嗎? Surprised to see me? Cat got your tongue? 見到我是不是嚇了一跳啊?說不出話了吧? Gag, 用抹了氯仿的布 chloroform rag, gag almost hack up a lung 塞住你的嘴,你都快把肺咳出來了 Like you picked up an axe up and then swung 你拿起一把斧頭到處亂揮 Stick to the core plan, 下面才是我計劃的重頭戲 drag to the back of a trunk 被你的粉絲 By one of your fans, 拖進車的後備箱 irony spectacular, huh? 這諷刺可真精彩啊 Now who's a fa***t, 現在誰是基佬啊 you punk? 是你個廢物嗎? And here's your Bronco hat, 這是你給我的帽子 you can have that s**t back cause they suck 你可以把這垃圾拿回去了,它們一文不值 It's just me, 現在只有我 you and the music now, 你和你的歌 Slim Slim I hope you hear it we are in a car right now 希望你能聽見,我們正在車裡 Wait, 等一下 here comes my favorite lyric 到我最喜歡的歌詞了 I'm the bad guy who makes fun of people that die “我是那個壞傢伙,取笑死去的人” And hey, 嘿 here's a sequel to my Mathers LP 我做了MMLP的續集 Just to try to get people to buy 只是為了吸引人們來買 How's this for publicity stunt? This should be fun 用這個作宣傳噱頭怎麼樣?一定很有趣! Last album now cause after this you'll be officially done 最後一張專輯,因為在此之後你的生命就正式結束了 Eminem killed by M&M Eminem被M&M殺掉 Matthew Mitchell, Matthew Mitchell b***h, I even have your initials 賤人,我和你的名字首字母都一樣 I initially was gonna bury you next to my brother, 本來我打算把你埋在我哥旁邊 but f*** it 不過去TMD Since you love you're city so much 既然你這麼愛你的城市 I figured, 我想 what the f*** the best place you could be buried alive is right here MD,活埋你的最佳地點就是這裡 Two more exits, 還有兩個出口 town is quite near 一切就都要結束了 I hope we don 't get stopped, 希望我們不要被攔下 no license I fear 我可沒有駕照啊 That sirens I hear? Guess 90 on the freeway wasn't the brightest idea 我聽見的是警車汽笛嗎?可能90碼不是什麼好主意 As cops appear in my driver side mirror 我從後視鏡裡看到了警察 (Oh,God, Police!! Ah!) 天啊!是警察! Hope foxtrot gets an aerial shot of your burial plot, 但願Foxtrot至少能記錄下你的 at least 死亡過程 New plan Stan 新計劃,Stan! Slim, chauvinist pig drove in this big, Slim:大男子主義者蠢豬開著 lincoln town car 這輛林肯車 Well gotta go, 好了,該走了,快到橋上了 almost at the bridge, haha big bro it's for you 哈哈,哥,這是為了你 Slim, Slim this is for him and Frank Ocean, 這是為了Stan,還有Frank Ocean oh hope you can swim good! 希望你泳游得很好 Now say you hate homos again! 現在再說一次你討厭同性戀試試! I also represent anyone on the receiving end of those jokes you offend 我也代表著所有遭你冒犯、受你嘲諷的人 I'm the nightmare you fell asleep in and woke up still in 我是你熟睡時的噩夢,驚醒後依然揮散不去 I'm your karma closing in with each stroke of a pen 我是你應得的報應,隨著你劃動鋼筆步步逼近 Perfect time to have some remorse to show for your sin 完美的時機懺悔你的罪過 No,it's hopeless, I'm the denial that you're hopelessly in 不!來不及了!我是你不願接受的事實 When they say all of this is approaching its end 他們說這一切快到尾聲了 But you refuse to believe that it's over, 但你拒絕相信 here we go all over again 現在我們就來把過去重演一遍! Backs to the wall, 窮途末路之時 I'm stacking up all them odds 我會把所有籌碼加在一起 Toilets clogged, 馬桶堵住了 Yeah because I'm talking a lot of s**t but I'm backing it all up 因為我寫了太多屎一般的歌詞,現在我想證明那些歌詞 But in my head there's a voice in the back and it hollas 但在這首歌被摧毀之後 After the track is demolished 有個聲音在我腦海的黑暗角落里大喊 I am your lack of a conscience 我是你丟掉的良知 I'm the ringing in your ears 我是你的耳鳴 I'm the polyps on the back of your tonsils 我是你扁桃體上的息肉 Eating your vocal chords after your concerts 演唱會過後侵蝕你的聲帶 In your time that's almost up that you haven't acknowledged 我是你所剩無幾卻不願承認的生涯餘期 Grab for some water but I'm that pill that's too jagged to swallow 拿起一杯水,我又是那難以下嚥的藥片 I'm the bullies you hate, 當你在歌裡屠殺過的每一個同性戀 that you became 侮辱毆打過的每一個女性對你進行報復時 With every fa***t you slaughtered 我就是你無比痛恨的惡霸 Coming back on you every woman you insult 看著你活成自己最討厭的樣子 That,with the double-standards you have when it comes to your daughters 可一旦提及你女兒,你就換了副嘴臉 I represent everything, 我代表著 you take for granted 你認為理所當然的一切 'Cause Marshall Mathers the rapper's persona's half a facade 因為Marshall Mathers的人格不過是個虛假的外表 And Matthew and Stan's just symbolic, Matthew和Stan只是一種象徵 of you not knowing what you had until it's gone 代表著直到失去你才意識到自己有過什麼 'Cause after all the glitz and the glam, 閱遍浮華與魅力 no more fans that are calling your name 不會再有粉絲高呼你的名字 Cameras are off 閃光燈漸息 Sad, 悲涼 but it happens to all of them 但無人能擺脫這般命運 I'm the hindsight, 我是警告過你這一切的 I like to say “I told you so!” 後見之明 Foreshadows of all , things that are to follow 我是接下來所有要發生的事情的前兆 I'n the future that's to show you what's happening tomorrow 如果在他們嘲諷你為沒膽量退出的說唱笑柄之後 If you don't stop after they call you the 你依然緊握著麥克風不願閉嘴 Biggest laughing stock of rap who can't call it quits 我就是回到現在的未來,告知你明天你的下場如何 When it's time to walk away 該轉身離去之時 I'm every guilt trip 我是你的負疚感 The baggage you had 和心裡的偏見 But as you gather up all your possessions 當你審視自己的所有時 If there's anything you have left to say 如果還有什麼話要說 Unless it makes an impact don't bother 最好足夠震驚,否則就算了吧 So before you rest your case 所以,在你銷聲匿蹟之前 Better make sure you 're packing a wallop 最好確保你能引起一場轟動 So one last time, 在這一切陷入黑暗,消逝殆盡之前 I'm back 最後再說一次 Before it fades into black and it's all over 我回來了! Behold the final chapter in the saga 注視著神話的終章 Trying to recapture that lightning trapped in a bottle 試圖再次重新抓住瓶中的閃電 Twice the magic that started it all 曾開啟這一切的魔法 Tragic portrait of an artist tortured 備受折磨的藝術家的悲慘肖像 Trapped in his own drawings 困於自己的畫作 Tap into thoughts 萌生出 Blacker and darker than anything imaginable 比可想像的任何都更為憂鬱陰暗的想法 Here goes a wild stab in the dark 當我們回到MMLP停下的地方,試圖再續傳奇之時 As we pick up the last Mathers left off 這無疑是一次瘋狂的盲目嘗試……