- Leonard Cohen Dress Rehearsal Rag 歌詞
- Leonard Cohen
- (Songs of Love and Hate)
下午4點, Four o'clock in the afternoon 我感覺一點都不好。 and I didn't feel like very much. 我告訴自己,“你的金色男孩在哪兒, I said to myself, 'Where are you golden boy, 你有名的煉金術在哪兒? ” where is your famous golden touch?' 我以為你知道, I thought you knew where 所有的大象休息的地方。 all of the elephants lie down, 我以為你是所有車輪的王儲, I thought you were the crown prince 住在像牙小鎮。 of all the wheels in Ivory Town. 現在只能看看你的身體, Just take a look at your body now, 沒有任何東西可以去挽救。 there's nothing much to save 一個痛苦的聲音在鏡子中哭訴, and a bitter voice in the mirror cries, “嘿,王子,你需要一把刮鬍刀。” 'Hey, Prince, you need a shave.' 現在,如果你能夠控制 Now if you can manage to get 你顫抖的手指的行為, your trembling fingers to behave , 你何不試著去解開 why don't you try unwrapping 一片不銹鋼刀片? a stainless steel razor blade? 是的,就是這樣, That's right, it's come to this, 是的,應該如此。 yes it's come to this, 這是一條漫長的路麼? and wasn't it a long way down, 這是一條陌生的路麼? wasn't it a strange way down? 那兒沒有熱水, There's no hot water 因為寒冷正漸漸退去。 and the cold is running thin. 好了,你期待什麼? Well, what do you expect from 在你曾住過的地方。 the kind of places you've been living in? 不要再喝酒了, Don't drink from that cup, 它沿著邊緣結了塊又破裂。 it's all caked and cracked along the rim. 那不是電燈,我的朋友, That's not the electric light, my friend, 那是你越來越模糊的眼睛。 that is your vision growing dim. 用肥皂遮住你的臉,瞧瞧, Cover up your face with soap, there, 現在你是聖誕老人了。 now you're Santa Claus. 如果你給任何人一份禮物, And you've got a gift for anyone 你都將得到那個人給你的歡樂。 who will give you his applause. 我過去認為你會是一個競技者, I thought you were a racing man, 但你不能把握競技的節奏。 ah, but you couldn't take the pace. 這是一個在鏡中的葬禮, That's a funeral in the mirror 它在你臉上停止。 and it's stopping at your face. 是的,就是這樣, That's right, it's come to this, 是的,應該如此。 yes it's come to this, 這是一條漫長的路麼? and wasn't it a long way down, 這是一條陌生的路麼? ah wasn't it a strange way down? 曾經有一條小路,
和一個有著栗色頭髮的女孩, Once there was a path 你曾穿過整個夏天 and a girl with chestnut hair, 去採摘在那兒生長的所有的堅果。 and you passed the summers 有時候她像個女人, picking all of the berries that grew there; 有時候她又像個孩子。 there were times she was a woman, 你抓住她, oh, there were times she was just a child, 在那長滿野生草莓的山陰裡。 and you held her in the shadows 你爬上夕陽映照的山, where the raspberries grow wild. 你為那風景歌唱。 And you climbed the twilight mountains 你漫步在每一個地方, and you sang about the view, 美好似乎跟隨著你。 and everywhere that you wandered 這是很難記住的, love seemed to go along with you. 是的,它讓你握緊你的拳頭。 That's a hard one to remember, 然後靜脈突出得像一條大路, yes it makes you clench your fist. 貫穿你的手腕。 And then the veins stand out like highways, 是的,就是這樣, all along your wrist. 是的,應該如此。 And yes it's come to this, 這是一條漫長的路麼? it's come to this, 這是一條陌生的路麼? and wasn't it a long way down, 你依然可以找到一份工作, wasn't it a strange way down? 走出去和一個朋友聊天。
在每份雜誌的背面, You can still find a job, 有一些你可以送出的優惠券。 go out and talk to a friend. 你為何不加入玫瑰十字會? On the back of every magazine 他們可以帶給你回歸的希望, there are those coupons you can send. 你可以找到你的愛的圖表, Why don't you join the Rosicrucians, 在一封平凡的棕色信封裡。 they will give you back your hope, 但是你已經用完了所有的優惠券了, you can find your love with diagrams 除了一個,它好像 on a plain brown envelope. 寫在你的手腕上, But you've used up all your coupons 伴隨著無數的夢想。 except the one that seems 現在,聖誕老人來了, to be written on your wrist 這是一把剃刀在他的麻省理工。 along with several thousand dreams. 他戴著他的墨鏡, Now Santa Claus comes forward, 向你展示被擊打的地方。 that's a razor in his mit; 然後相機移動, and he puts on his dark glasses 那站著的特技演員, and he shows you where to hit; 穿著彩排的破布。 and then the cameras pan, 它只是一塊彩排的破布, the stand in stunt man, 你知道這彩排的破布, dress rehearsal rag, 真的只是一塊彩排的破布。 it's just the dress rehearsal rag, you know this dress rehearsal rag, it's just a dress rehearsal rag.