- J. Cole Immortal 歌詞
- J. Cole
- Ohhhh
在我不滿17歲的時候 Now I was barely seventeen 曾經滿懷希望 with a pocket full of hope 儘管當時家裡一貧如洗 Screamin' dollar and a dream 卻還大嚷著要賺大錢 with my closet lookin' broke 我哥們儿看起來一本正經 And my nigga's lookin' clean 卻在販毒的時候條子抓了個正著 gettin' caught up with that dope 你經歷過 Have you ever served a fiend 一切希望落空的夢魘麼? with a pocket full of soap 小子讓我來告訴你 Nigga I can tell you things 一些你本不該知道的事吧 that you probably shouldn't know 你是否曾聽過那些 Have you ever heard the screams 你聽過兇殺現場撕心裂肺的尖叫嗎? when the body hit the floor 這份痛苦讓你無數次帶著冷汗從夢中驚醒 Flashbacks to the pain wakin' up cold sweats 只能一大早就得健身來發洩 Six o'clock in the mornin' gotta hit the BoFlex 在道上混可不能是弱雞 Get my weight up on the block 在道上混可不能是弱雞時時刻刻得提防著條子 keep watch for the cops 那些天殺的條子就愛拷上黑人再開三槍 God they love to serve a nigga three hots and a cot 現如今犯罪掙的錢還不如臨時兼職多 Nowadays crime pays like a part time job 窮困潦倒的日子裡我只能祈禱就像卡爾托馬斯在歌裡唱的那樣(Carl Thomas是90年代的R&B歌手) And the drought got me prayin' for a car time vibe 及時雨快來吧(summer rain是Thomas一首歌的歌名) Summer Rain come again numb the pain 洗去我作為罪人的痛苦 'cause it's hard for a felon 我明知販毒是條無盡的深淵 In my mind I been cryin' know it's wrong 卻依然掙扎著陷了進去 but I'm sellin' 拭去眼淚 Eyes wellin' up with tears thinkin' 每當想起我那九泉之下的兄弟 'bout my niggas dead in the dirt 他永遠印在我的T恤上 Immortalized on this shirt 兄弟永垂不朽 Real niggas don't die 延續傳奇 Form with the plot 17: 45(可能是死亡時間) One-Seven-Forty-Five 你的故事繼續 Form at the plot 兄弟你精神永存 Real niggas don't die 成為道上的信條 Form onthe plot 兄弟之間永不背棄 Hood niggas don't lie 傳奇繼續 Form on the plot 我的兄弟永垂不朽 My niggas don't die 人人以你為傲 Form on the plot 兄弟永垂不朽 Real niggas don't die 你是道上的精神支柱 Form on the plot 兄弟永垂不朽 Real niggas don't die 兄弟永垂不朽 Real niggas don't die 你見過被海羅銀(和諧)侵蝕頭腦的人嗎? Have you ever seen a fiend cook crack on the spoon 你見過毒癮發作變得像狼人一樣狂暴的人嗎? Have you ever seen a nigga that was black on the moon 當你的兄弟進監獄 Have you ever seen your brother go to prison 你看過自己哭泣的樣子嗎? as you cried 你他媽見過天上色彩斑斕的彩虹嗎? Have you ever seen a motherfuckin' ribbon in the sky 都沒有!老子眼裡只有綠色的百元大鈔 Nope all I see is that C.R.E.A.M nigga that green 老子就是坐擁美人的王者 I'm a black king black jeans on my black queen 我馬子的美臀大到大屏電視都裝不下 And her ass fat too fat for a flat screen 老子就是毒品王國的國王 I'm the type of nigga make the whole fuckin' trap lean 老子的毒品有翅膀 Kingpin nigga put wings on a crack fiend 想抓老子 If they want a nigga 得派海軍陸戰隊來 they gon' have to send a SWAT team 但老子依舊像《疤面煞星》裡最後一幕那樣逃出生天 And I'm goin' out like Scarface in his last scene 知道啥叫傳奇人物了嗎? A legend what that mean 兄弟永垂不朽 Real niggas don't die 延續傳奇 Form with the plot 17:45(可能是死亡時間) One -Seven-Forty-Five 你的故事繼續 Form at the plot 兄弟你精神永存 Real niggas don't die 成為道上的信條 Form on the plot 兄弟之間永不背棄 Hood niggas don't lie 傳奇繼續 Form on the plot 我的兄弟永垂不朽 My niggas don't die 人人以你為傲 Form on the plot 兄弟永垂不朽 Real niggas don't die 你是道上的精神支柱 Form on the plot 兄弟永垂不朽 Real niggas don't die 兄弟永垂不朽 Real niggas don't die 要當一秒鍾英雄 To die a young legend 還是要抱憾終身你自己選 or live a long life unfulfilled 你想改變世界 'Cause you wanna change the world 但你活著的話是永遠不可能的 but while alive you never will 我聽說 'Cause they only feel you after you gone 人們只有在你死了才能關注到你 or I've been told 現在聲名大噪和安然終兩種思想老在我腦海裡盤旋 And now I'm caught between bein' heard and gettin' old 該死有時候我真想一死了之 Damn death creepin' in my thoughts lately 要我死的話我只有一個願望 My one wish in this bitch make it quick “媽的下手痛快點” if the Lord take me 我知道誰都不會永世長存 I know nobody meant to live forever anyway 所以我也像家鄉的人一樣努力奮鬥著(Virgini-A應該是北卡的一個地名Cole是北卡人) And so I hustle like my niggas in Virgini-A 黑人們總是口口相傳: They tellin' niggas sell dope rap or go to NBA “只有販毒或者去NBA打球才能功成名就” In that order 正是這種觀念禁錮了黑人的思想 It's that sort of thinkin' that been keepin' niggas chained 令他們不得不身陷社會底層 at the bottom and hanged 你們從來沒見過的那顆成功果實是飽含痛苦的 The strangest fruit that you ever seen ripe with pain 聽好了…… Listen