- Owl City sunburn 歌詞
- Owl City
- So there we were, back home from somewhere inside my head
此刻,從我的想像之地歸來 Oh, bravely I fought off the monsters beneath her bed 在那裡,我奮勇擊敗了她床下的野獸 Pillars of postwar books supported by frame of mind 記憶中的畫面一頁頁化為書記錄了戰爭 While she memorized the pages that I tried to not hide behind 她回憶著那些我試著不去掩蓋的頁面 She took my hand in hers and whispered her love for me 握著我的手低語她的愛 The lantern died that night but we didn't need to see 那晚光明消逝,但我們毫不在意 Implying that she's the bee's knees and I am the cat's meow 暗示著我與她是如此完美的相配 it's funny how she recalls what I can't remember now 有趣的是她訴說著那些我已忘卻的那一切 But when her smile came back and I didn't feel half as horrible 但當她重新微笑,我的恐懼隨風而逝 She gave me a heart attack just because she looked so adorable 她讓我的心悸動不已只是因為她真的太可愛了 We both put our sunblock on, played on the beach and vowed that we'd live and we'd learn 我們塗好防曬霜,嬉鬧在沙灘上,宣誓著我們相愛相伴 Yeah, but she got a tan, and I got a sunburn I got a sunburn 她曬得黝黑,我卻被灼傷了
踢開了人字拖,又坐在屋頂上 So there we were out there, unaware of where we'd been 雖然這麼說有些尷尬,但我滿腦子都是她的美好 We kicked off our flipflops and swung from the rooftops again 搞笑的是我訴說著那些她已忘記的一切 it's awkward but I'll confess she's all I can think about 可當她重新微笑,我一點也不感覺害怕 And it's funny how I recall what she can't remember now 她讓我的心悸動不已,只是因為她真的太可愛了 But when her smile came back and I didn't feel half as horrible 我們塗好防曬霜,嬉鬧在沙灘上,宣誓著我們相愛相伴 She gave me a heart attack just because she looked so adorable 她曬得黝黑,我卻被灼傷了 We both put our sunblock on, played on the beachand vowed that we'd live and we'd learn 餘暉啊,看看下面 Yeah, but she got a tan, and I got a sunburn 那是我們分道揚鑣時留下塵埃的痕跡 Oh, afterglow, look out below 她吸引我全部的視線 We left a trail of dust behind 在我的腦海裡留下了她的印記 As we parted ways , she held my gaze 道別時我努力的忍住眼淚 And left an imprint on my mind 那時陰雲密布,世界暗淡無光, I tried not to cry as we said goodbye 但她消失在視野裡的那一刻,我淚如雨下 And hung the clouds above my town 因為這一秒,我成了這陌生世界的孤獨過客 But I shed a tear when she disappeared 當她重揚嘴角,那笑容驅散了我的不安 Cause now I'm a stranger on the ground 也讓我的心悸動不已 When her smile came back and I didn't feel half as horrible 我們塗好防曬霜,嬉鬧在沙灘上,宣誓我們會相知相愛相伴 She gave me a heart attack 她曬的黝黑,我卻被灼傷 We both put our sunblock on, played on the beach and vowed that we'd live and we'd learn 她曬得黝黑,我卻被灼傷 But she got a tan , and I got a sunburn 在那裡,她曬得黝黑,我卻被灼傷 She got a tan, and I got a sunburn Yeah,But she got a tan, and I got a sunburn